Monday, August 18, 2014

Honest Review of A Boy Back from Heaven

Latest review from Lora:

Aug 02, 2014 Lora rated it 4 of 5 stars

"A sweet story that seemed a little less sensationalized than the one currently made into a movie. It felt very honest, simple yet profound. Told by a very young boy who knew that his "story of almost dying can help others deal with a loss and let them know that they don't have to grieve out of fear of what happened to their loved one..." (pg. 123). The crux of the experience is in this statement by the author mother that "we face the cycle of life and losing those that we love as they age, I am full of peace and gratitude. I'm grateful for each day God allows us to spend together in the time we have left on the earth, and I have peace in knowing that when our loved ones pass on, they will not go to a scary place, and they will not feel the sad emotions that we will. They will see love and beauty and will be greeted by those that they have loved and lost in their lifetime. The friends they have mourned and the family they have grieved ill be there to welcome them into God's kingdom as they walk the path of white light into the arms of Jesus." (pg. 123). Poignant."

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